What if we ALL, each and every one of us-refused to hang out in poor-poor-me, poor-poor-powerless-me anymore?
What if we simply went about seeing, feeling, and doing-LIVING-our passionate dreams?Imagine what our world would transform into really, really quickly-I bet we could create it within only two generations, maybe less.
I'm not kidding when I say it's up to you and me. I really really mean it. Quit thinking of the world as having "gone wrong," because what's happening now is *right* if you look at it in terms of : This is what is happening in order for us to make powerful, liberated new choices.
Quit thinking of how you're going to lose this, that or the other. So what if you do? Any material possession is replaceable.
Here's the correct question: "What will I do next?
"Our time on earth is not replacable. Nor is our heart, our life, or our voice-especially if we keep silent and don't share our joy, love and dreams.
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